Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Parole: Law, Policy and Practice in 2018 MONDAY 2 JULY 2018 10AM – 5.30PM, CAMBRIDGE LAW FACULTY

The law and practice of parole is in transition. Recent judicial decisions and the Government’s review into the law, policy and procedure relating to parole decisions are likely to lead to profound changes. This timely conference will focus on these recent developments and aims to enrich the responses to the Government’s current consultation. The consultation is open until 28 July.

Experts in parole, public law and the Chief Executive of the Parole Board will lead sessions at the Conference, with a panel of respondents. Each session will include time for questions and comments from the audience. Other confirmed panellists include Phillippa Kaufmann QC and Dr Jackie Craissati. The conference will be of interest to academics, legal practitioners, Parole Board members and everyone interested in the future of parole.

Delegate fee: £30 (to cover administrative costs and refreshments)

Book here https://onlinesales.admin.cam.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/faculty-of-law/parole-law-policy-and-practice-in-2018/parole-law-policy-and-practice-in-2018